Economics covers the principles of economics as it relates to consumers, producers, entrepreneurs, governments, and foreign competitors. Students will explore individual, business, and government economic choices, competitive markets, supply, demand, and the role of government in market economies. Students will understand national markets and the role of the American government in the national market. Students will appraise global economic systems and interdependence in international markets, as well as making personal decisions regarding personal finance.
Mr. Christian Carpenter Social Studies teacher at Clintondale High School (Room 204)
Describe how Congress uses its powers to meet the goals stated in the Preamble to the Constitution
Explain how limits on the power of Congress protects the rights of citizens
⏰ What We Did
Used the instructional notes for Lesson 7, Part 2: The Powers of Congress, assigned yesterday, to answer the following questions in complete sentences:
Define budget.
Describe two powers that help Congress "promote the general welfare."
For what purpose does Congress conduct investigations?
Why are bills of attainder and ex post facto laws unfair?
Evaluate Do you think the Framers were right in giving "the power of the purse" to Congress rather than to the president? Explain your answer.
Used the last work period to wrap-up the summary posters of an assigned constitutional amendment, using the rubric provided (NOTE: Summary posters will be due at the beginning of class on R 5 December 2024)
Explain how the laws concerning slavery have changed since the signing of the Constitution
Describe the amendments that ensured the right to vote for African Americans
Summarize women's struggles for the right to vote
Explain why the voting age was lowered to eighteen
Describe how the amendment process gives Americans a voice in their government
⏰ What We Did
Using the instructional notes taken yesterday on Lesson 6, Part 3, answered the following questions in complete sentences:
Define suffrage.
Summarize the Supreme Court's ruling in the Dred Scott case.
How did the Fourteenth Amendment guarantee citizenship to African Americans?
Explain why a women's suffrage amendment was finally added to the Constitution.
Why was the voting age lowered to eighteen?
Evaluate Do you think that the voting age should be higher or lower than eighteen? If so, what age do you think it should be? Support your opinion — either yes or no — with reasons.
Explain the three main principles in the Constitution that limit the government's power
⏰ What We Did
Played Schoolhouse Rock's The Preamble in preparation for next Friday's quiz
Checked for completion of Lesson 5, Part 4 instructional notes
Distributed and discussed Checks and Balances of the Federal Government handout
Use Lesson 5, Part 4 notes, a copy of the United States Constitution, and the checks and balances handout to complete "The Supreme Law of the Land" scavenger hunt
Handed back and discussed the answers to Monday's "Compromise and the Constitution" and yesterday's "We the People?, or We the States?" assignments
Began learning the Preamble to the United States Constitution, using Schoolhouse Rock's The Preamble as a guide to identify the six goals of the Constitution (NOTE: There will be a quiz on the Preamble on F 22 November 2024)
Compare the views of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists
Summarize the arguments presented in "The Federalist"
Explore reasons that the states finally ratified the Constitution
⏰ What We Did
Checked for completion of Lesson 5, Part 2 instructional notes
Used Lesson 5, Part 2 instructional notes to help examine a primary source — a speech by Anti-Federalist Patrick Henry on his opposition to Virginia's ratification of the United States Constitution
Summarize the arguments in the Declaration of Independence
⏰ What We Did
Continue the examination of the Declaration of Independence by reading and interpreting the document's evidence against King George III and Parliament in groups
⚙️ Resources
Examining the Declaration — The Indictment A | B | C | D | E(A-10)
Describe ways that candidates get their messages to voters
Analyze the role of interest groups in the election process
Explain how candidates and interest groups try to influence the way people vote
Explore the importance of the media in election campaigns
⏰ What We Did
Finished developing propaganda for either one of the two mock candidates or an issue raised in the campaign simulation (NOTE: Propaganda posters are due at the beginning of class tomorrow)