Friday, September 13, 2024

Forms of Government 🏛

🎯 Learning Targets
  • Describe the classic forms of government
  • Explain how national power is organized differently in unitary, federal, and confederal systems
  • Contrast presidential and parliamentary systems
⏰ What We Did
  • Watched and took notes on Lesson 1, Part 2: Forms of Government
  • Using notes from Lesson 1, Part 2, answered the following questions in complete sentences:
  1. Define direct democracy, republic, monarchy, and dictatorship.
  2. How are democracies and republics similar and different?
  3. How is power organized in a unitary system?
  4. What are the potential disadvantages of a presidential system?
  5. Critical Thinking If you were designing a plan of government for a new country, would you create a presidential or a parliamentary system? Explain your answer.
⚙️ Resources